Monday, May 13, 2024

When is an abdominal ultrasound required?


Abdominal ultrasound refers to a non-invasive imaging test used to visualize the organs and structures in the stomach, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, spleen and abdominal blood vessels. Many individuals consider an abdominal ultrasound scan in Mukundapur for an accurate evaluation to keep their health in check. 

When is an abdominal ultrasound required?

An abdominal ultrasound scan may be required in various clinical scenarios, including:

  • Abdominal pain 
When an individual experiences unexplained abdominal pain, an ultrasound may be ordered to evaluate the organs and tissues within the abdomen for signs of inflammation, infection or other abnormalities.

  • Suspected gallbladder or biliary tract disorders
An abdominal ultrasound is commonly used to assess the gallbladder and biliary tract for the presence of gallstones, inflammation (cholecystitis) or other abnormalities that can cause symptoms such as nausea, jaundice or upper abdominal pain.

  • Liver abnormalities
It can help evaluate the liver for signs of liver disease, such as fatty liver, cirrhosis or liver masses. It may be ordered if there are concerns about liver function or if abnormalities are detected on blood tests.

  • Pancreatic disorders
This procedure may aid in the diagnosis of pancreatic conditions, including pancreatitis, pancreatic cysts or pancreatic tumors. It may be used to visualize the pancreas and assess for abnormalities. One of the best ultrasound scan centres in Mukundapur provides treatment regarding such issues tailored to individual needs.

  • Kidney and urinary tract disorders
An ultrasound is often used to examine the kidneys for signs of kidney stones, cysts, tumours or other problems. It can also assess the urinary bladder and detect conditions such as bladder stones or bladder tumours.

  • Monitoring pregnancy
Abdominal ultrasounds are routinely used during pregnancy to monitor fetal development, assess fetal growth as well as evaluate the placenta and amniotic fluid levels.


An abdominal ultrasound is considered a valuable tool for diagnosing a wide range of abdominal conditions. Visit the best clinic for an ultrasound scan in Mukundapur to avoid any further complications or issues and ensure your well-being.


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