Friday, March 29, 2024

Conditions that can be treated by an ENT doctor

An otolaryngologist, or an ENT, is a medical specialist who treats conditions that affect the ears, nose and throat. The best ENT doctor in Mukundapur tells us about a few conditions concerning the ear, nose and throat.

What conditions does an ENT treat?

An ENT treats the following infections and diseases relating to the ears, nose and throat respectively:

Ear conditions

  • Ear infections, including those in the outer, middle or inner ear.

  • Tinnitus or ringing in the ears.

  • Dizziness is a feeling of imbalance that usually is the outcome of inner ear disorders.

  • When you have a feeling that your surroundings are spinning, it is known as vertigo.

  • A hole in your tympanic membrane or a ruptured eardrum.

  • When the tubes that connect the middle ears to the upper throat become blocked, known as Eustachian tube dysfunction .

  • Abnormal bone growth in your middle ear or Otosclerosis.

  • An uncommon inner ear disorder that affects hearing and the sense of balance is known as Ménière’s disease.

  • Hearing loss, which may be either mild or severe. The top ENT doctor in Mukundapur specialises in treating hearing loss with utmost care.

Nose conditions

  • Sinusitis or inflammation of the sinuses.

  • Allergies that can result from pollen, pet dander or other environmental irritants.

  • The inflammation of mucous membranes that line your nose or Rhinitis.

  • Infections, allergies or trauma that lead to nosebleeds.

  • Postnasal drip, which takes place when excess mucus builds up and drips down the back of your throat.

  • A deviated septum is a condition in which your septum is off-centre.

  • Nasal and paranasal tumours.

  • Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths common in people with chronic allergies, asthma or sinus infections.

Throat conditions

  • Sore throat

  • Tonsillitis or the infection of the tonsils.

  • Laryngitis or swelling of the voice box.

  • Difficulty in swallowing

  • Vocal cord issues.


To conclude, if you have chronic issues with your ear, nose or throat then consider visiting the leading ENT doctor in Mukundapur for a successful outcome.


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