Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Types of bone fractures

Fractures are known to cause debilitating pain. Know how to differentiate between them from the best orthopedic surgeon in Mukundapur. 

Types of bone fractures

From accidental falls to sports injuries, fractures can occur due to several reasons. However, fractures can be of different types. Learn more from the best orthopedic surgeon in Kolkata

What are the different types of bone fractures? Explains an orthopedic surgeon 

  • Open fractures: These are fractures that are characterized by breaks in bones that penetrate the skin. Due to the exposed bone, there is a higher risk of infection. Therefore, immediate medical intervention is required to clean the wound as primary care, administer antibiotics and stabilize the broken bone.

  • Closed fractures: When the bone breaks and does not pierce the skin, it is known as closed fractures. These are caused by a direct blow or fall. They are usually painful and necessitate medical attention. 

  • Oblique fractures: As per the best orthopedic surgeon in Mukundapur, these are defined as a diagonal break in the bone. Due to the oblique nature of the wound, these fractures are more likely to cause displacement and might require surgical repair for realignment. 

  • Transverse fractures: These are horizontal breaks across the bone. When a direct force is applied perpendicular to the bone’s long axis, it can cause a transverse fracture. These fractures also require surgical intervention. 

  • Comminuted fractures: In the case of these fractures, the bone shatters into multiple fragments. The resultant break can occur due to high-impact trauma, like a severe fall or accident. Surgery helps in the removal of the damaged sections and piecing together the broken parts.

Always consult the best orthopedic surgeon in Mukundapur if you or your loved one experiences a fracture. They are well-adept in diagnosing and treating different types of fractures with the latest equipment. Prompt treatment and care will ensure that you recover properly and your bone health is restored to its best.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids

Got swollen veins in your rectum? Find out the symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids from the best gastroenterologist in Mukundapur.

Symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids 

Hemorrhoids are usually characterized by swollen and inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. Anyone with this condition is likely to experience some degree of pain and discomfort. Learn about the symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids from the best gastroenterologist in Mukundapur.

Common signs that indicate the presence of hemorrhoids

  • Rectal bleeding: The primary indicator of hemorrhoids is rectal bleeding. It’s crucial not to ignore rectal bleeding as it’s a serious symptom that can have various underlying causes. Know the root cause by scheduling an appointment with your doctor and receiving an accurate diagnosis.

  • Swelling and inflammation: Apart from pain and discomfort, you might notice swelling and inflammation in your anal area. This can feel like a lump in your anal area which can make day-to-day physical activities such as walking and sitting extremely uncomfortable.

  • Anal itching: If you have been experiencing persistent itching in the anal area, it is highly probable that you have hemorrhoids. Scratching the area can further exacerbate your discomfort, says the best gastroenterologist in Mukundapur

  • Protrusion during bowel movements: During bowel movements, your anal area might protrude. This is especially common in the case of prolapsed hemorrhoids. 

What causes hemorrhoids?

  • Sedentary lifestyle: If you have a desk job and sit for prolonged periods of time without any physical activity, you might put yourself at risk of hemorrhoids.

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea: Chronic constipation or diarrhea can cause hemorrhoids. 


  • Obesity: Obese people are at a higher risk of developing this condition as their weight puts pressure on their rectal veins. 

  • Childbirth: The act of giving birth can pressurize the woman’s pelvic floor muscles, leading to hemorrhoids.

Recognizing the warning signs of hemorrhoids is essential for early detection of the condition. The best gastroenterologist in Mukundapur will diagnose the severity of your condition and offer treatment accordingly.

Friday, January 19, 2024

What are some early signs of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts can depict various early signs and symptoms. Learn more about them from the best gynecologist in Mukundapur.

What are some early signs of ovarian cysts?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that cause discomfort and reproductive health issues. It is important to recognize the early signs of ovarian cysts to seek timely intervention and treatment. Read on to know them from the best gynecologist in Mukundapur.

Early signs of ovarian cysts

  1. Irregular menstrual cycles: Irregular patterns of ovulation, periods and heavy or light bleeding can indicate the presence of ovarian cysts. Women who notice significant changes in their menstrual cycles and experience abnormal bleeding in-between periods must reach out to a gynecologist.

  1. Pelvic pain: Another early sign of ovarian cysts is pelvic pain. Women might experience a dull, aching sensation along with sharp pain on one side of the abdomen. The pain might also be intermittent or continuous and differ in its intensity. Hence, if you feel that you are experiencing cramps that are different from usual menstrual pain, consult a doctor for further evaluation. 

  1. Painful intercourse: According to the best gynecologist in Mukundapur, if you experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse, it might be indicative of ovarian cysts. The latter puts pressure on the pelvic area, making sexual intimacy painful. By consulting a doctor, you can find the underlying cause and receive the appropriate treatment for your condition. 

  1. Abdominal discomfort: Large ovarian cysts often cause bloating and a feeling of fullness in your abdominal area. This sensation might be accompanied by discomfort or pressure. If persistent bloating is not relieved by dietary changes, reach out to a doctor immediately. 

  1. Frequent urination: Some ovarian cysts can create pressure on your bladder, resulting in frequency of urination. A medical professional will evaluate your condition and diagnose the potential causes.

If you are experiencing these symptoms of ovarian cysts, reach out to the best gynecologist in Mukundapur for evaluation and treatment.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Reasons why your abdomen is paining

Abdominal pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. Learn why it occurs from the best gastroenterologist doctor in Mukundapur.

Reasons why your abdomen is paining

Do you often experience abdominal cramps? If yes, find out some of the common reasons why abdominal pain occurs from the best gastroenterologist doctor in Mukundapur.

Causes behind abdominal pain

  1. Digestive problems: Certain digestive problems like gas, indigestion and bloating can often result in discomfort. Gastroenteritis or inflammation of the intestines or stomach, often caused by infections, is another digestive issue that causes abdominal pain.

  1. Gastrointestinal disorders: Chronic conditions like Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Celiac Disease can result in severe abdominal pain. These disorders can also cause inflammation,  nutrient absorption problems and changes in bowel habits.

  1. Urinary tract infections: UTIs or Urinary Tract Infections that particularly affect the bladder can cause lower abdominal pain. The discomfort might be combined with a frequent urge to urinate, pain during urination or strong-smelling, cloudy urine.

  1. Gallstones: These are solid particles that form in the gallbladder that can result in sharp and intense abdominal pain. When these stones block the normal bile flow, it can cause discomfort and sometimes necessitate surgical intervention.

  1. Reproductive problem: Some reproductive conditions like ovarian cysts, endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease are some of the reasons behind lower abdominal pain. This pain also originates from an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, causing severe cramps that need immediate medical attention. 

  1. Pancreatitis: As per the best gastroenterologist doctor in Mukundapur, it refers to the inflammation of the pancreas that causes persistent abdominal pain. Excessive alcohol consumption with the presence of gallstones can worsen the symptoms of these conditions.

  1. Appendicitis: It presents itself as a sharp pain in the lower right abdomen. This condition requires surgical removal of the appendix to prevent its rupture, along with many severe complications. 

  1. Hernia: When an organ or tissue bulges through a weak spot in the surrounding connective tissue or muscle, it causes localized pain requiring surgical interventions. 

If you experience consistent, severe abdominal pain, reach out to the best gastroenterologist doctor in Mukundapur. They will diagnose your condition and offer a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Common middle ear infections in adults

Middle ear infections often afflict adults. Read on to know about some of the common ones from the best ENT specialist in Mukundapur.

Common middle ear infections in adults

Middle ear infections are as common among adults as they are among children. These infections are usually known as otitis media. They occur when the middle ear gets inflamed due to viral or bacterial invasion. Get to know about them from the best ENT specialist in Mukundapur for prompt and effective management.

What are some of the most common middle ear infections in adults?

  1. Acute Otitis Media: It is one of the most common forms of ear infections in adults. It often follows an allergic reaction or respiratory infection, resulting in the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum. Some of the common symptoms of this infection include fluid drainage, ear pain, hearing loss and fever. Early medical intervention is essential to prevent complications and alleviate symptoms.


  1. Chronic Otitis Media: It is characterized by the buildup of fluid in the middle ear or persistent inflammation. This infection might last for a significant period of time. Adults suffering from recurrent acute infections, sinusitis or chronic allergies are more prone to developing Chronic Otitis Media. Some signs of this infection include a feeling of fullness in the ear, hearing loss and persistent ear drainage. Treatments involve antibiotics and, in severe cases, surgical interventions. 

  1.  Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: The Eustachian tubes are responsible for connecting the middle ear to the back of the throat, helping regulate air pressure. Dysfunction of these tubes can result in fluid accumulation and make one susceptible to infections. General discomfort, especially during air travel, muffled hearing and ear pain are signs of a middle ear infection. Nasal congestants followed by lifestyle changes and surgery is ideal for pain relief. 

  1. Mastoiditis: As per the top ENT specialist in Mukundapur, mastoiditis is a rare but serious form of pregnancy complication. It happens when the infection starts spreading to the mastoid bone behind the ear. Symptoms include swelling, ear pain and redness. Antibiotics and surgery can provide relief from this infection.

If you are suffering from any of these symptoms, you are likely to have a middle ear infection. Hence, don’t delay and seek immediate medical attention from the best ENT specialist in Mukundapur.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Chronic Constipation: How can an endoscopy help?

Are you experiencing chronic constipation? Learn how an endoscopy can help from the best gastroenterologist in Mukundapur

Chronic Constipation: How can an endoscopy help?

Chronic Constipation is usually characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stools and discomfort. While initial treatments include medications and dietary adjustments, in some cases, an endoscopy is required to diagnose and manage the condition. Get to know the different types of endoscopies and how they can help in relieving chronic constipation from the best gastroenterologist in Mukundapur.

What is an endoscopy?

An endoscopy refers to a minimally invasive procedure that is used to examine the rectum and colon with the help of a flexible tube and camera. It helps to obtain a detailed view of the internal organs while diagnosing various gastrointestinal conditions.

Types of endoscopies

  1. Upper Endoscopy: While constipation affects the lower gastrointestinal tract, an upper endoscopy can help in diagnosing certain conditions and complications that arise from the upper digestive system that might indirectly contribute to severe constipation.


  1. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: The procedure can help examine the lower part of the rectum and colon while identifying problems like polyps, inflammation, and other conditions that cause constipation. 


  1. Colonoscopy: A colonoscopy enables the examination of the rectum and large intestine (colon) with a flexible tube called a colonoscope that has an attached camera. This helps identify various causes of chronic constipation like tumours, colorectal polyps and structural abnormalities that obstruct bowel movements.

  1. Double Balloon Enteroscopy: It is another endoscopic procedure that diagnoses conditions that affect the small intestine, like chronic constipation. Moreover, it can determine its actual cause, enabling doctors to treat it effectively. 

  1. GI Banding: If medications prove to be ineffective in the treatment of chronic constipation, doctors might consider GI banding as an alternative that includes procedures like bariatric surgery techniques or gastric banding. 


If colonoscopy results depict structural problems that obstruct the bowels, like growth or stricture, the doctors of the best diagnostic clinic might recommend surgical interventions or corrective measures to relieve chronic constipation.


Moreover, endoscopies also help obtain tissue samples for further analysis through biopsy. This helps confirm or dismiss the risk of malignancies or conditions like Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


Hence, an endoscopy allows a closer examination of the gastrointestinal tract to accurately diagnose the causes behind chronic constipation. So, if you are experiencing persistent constipation, reach out to the best gastroenterologists in Mukundapur for timely intervention and treatment.